This story ends with Spike Jonze and begins with Tony Robbins. But the thread of it all lies within our heros, the untouchables and our imagination.
About a month ago, I was on twitter and I saw that Tony Robbins had tweeted about Steve Jobs' health and reflected upon his amazing commencement speech at Stanford back in 2005. So, I went to YouTube to watch the speech and was blown away by Steve's presence, humility and his words. I felt intrigue and interest. From there I started to gain a mild addiction to various MacWorld Conference presentations on the internet, which then lead me wanting more information on Jobs, his career, his personality and even his partner Woz. I then went to Indigo after work and picked up the book "Icon", which led me to my last blog entry. That entry, in turn, led me to spark a conversation with a friend that has a colourful history in advertising and I wondered if he ever met Lee Clow (Lee was the creative behind the "1984" Mac ad). He did meet him and knew him. Um, Ah-mazing. So that lead us to a conversation about our hero's (Lee was his and was for many in the industry) and how it sucks when we find out they're human. Hero's have flaws and that they too fart, burp and have bad breath. That made me think about the time I 'wigged out' when I met Matt Mays...ok, he was far from a hero but he was someone I put up on a platform, a stage, a rock 'n roll pedestal. And yes, while I wasn't of "sound mind" at the time, nor could I hardly formulate a sentence, I found sadness (and ironic comfort) in that he too was equally a jackass that night.
Boo to reality.
What has this snowball taught me? To continue to feed my imagination no matter how old I am, to stay hungry and be foolish and to keep my heros up high and very far away.
:) I can't wait to see that movie. One of my favourites as a child.