Last Minutes with ODEN from phos pictures on Vimeo.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
here for a good time, not a long time
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
in a land far, far away

Sunday, December 20, 2009
fa la la la la la la la la

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Full Speed Ahead

Then along came the switch. The shift in my thinking that came with age and it seemed to really come on strong the last few weeks. I'd catch myself in moments trying to plan ahead for exciting events to come - from travel to birthdays to time with old friends. Let's face it, you know you do it too. But my wish of a magic crystal ball never did come my way, instead my wave of fairy dust fell upon me one day when last week when I realized I was so happy that I actually didn't wish for anything in my future anymore. I want to stay put, right here. Today.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
I'll be home with bells on
But tonight, at a low-key 'family' dinner, the music playing in the background was Charlie Brown's Christmas. A must for all this season and one that I'm most certainly adding to my collection.
You should too. Seriously - how can this not get you in the spirit of happiness?
Friday, December 11, 2009
show me the way

In an ever-changing world, it’s pretty key to determine very early in life how you’re going to adapt. I think we can, in the most basic terms, be divided into two groups – those that thrive on change and those that want to vomit at the thought of it. I definitely fall in the first group, much of which I owe credit to my flavorful Gemini personality.
But last night I was reminded that our adaption in life also has another key component. I had a conversation with my old boss and there was a point in our discussion where he said (in a very jovial way) that I owe him for my current success. Given that he gave me a foot-in-the-door opportunity, I wholeheartedly agreed with him. Listen, I fully understand that my life success is due not only to the way I’ve maneuvered through change, but it's also in huge part owed to what I'd like to call my ‘Gateway Keepers’.
Gateway Keepers enable our journey through life. You know who these people are. They are the ones that facilitate a new introduction – perhaps the teach you a new hobby, bring forth a new friendship for you, get you into new sport or put you in front of a new job opportunity. I can rhyme off approximately eight very important Gateway Keepers in my life that not only enabled a change, but also have also significantly changed my life. One of them in particular I've always held in the highest regard. The one that I’ve often expressed in the past as my guardian angel. The one that introduced me to running at a time in my life ten years ago when I desperately needed a healthy addition to my life for physical, spiritual and mental reasons. Now looking back, the timing was crucial. Years after our encounter, I often sent him notes thanking him for the support and bringing the sport of running into my life. It was this one Gateway Keeper in particular that said to me, “I had nothing to do with it really, because you had to find it within you to accept this new challenge and want it. More importantly, you had to find it within you everyday to push yourself to find the strength and positivity to keep going. That's all you”.
I’ve never forgotten that comment, because while the Gateway Keeper helps you to see something new and positive, it’s really up to us to accept the change, the challenge and make the best of every moment in front of us...until the next Gateway Keeper comes along.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Talking 'bout my generation